Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Background Information

Cambridge Humane Society is different compared to most of shelters around here.  Most shelters like Georgetown, Talbot County, Wicomico County, and Caroline County have orientations which a person who wants to volunteer has to attend plus fill out an application.  But, Cambridge Humane Society is basically a walk in volunteer shelter; a person just has to submit an application.  They like to review the application before you start but sometimes they let you start that day (like what they did for me) after filling out an application.  They use to work for animal control which means they would deal with ignorant people and chase/catch animals.  They would take in all the strays to their shelter which would make it fill up.  It was a lot of hard to handle, feral, and just disobedient animals.  But, now since they don’t work for animal control anymore they have more space for more animals.  Like many shelters around here, they are no-kill, which means they don’t kill any animals unless they are determined to be unsuitable because of behavioral problems or/and has a terminal illness.  Like many shelters around they get their animals from high-kill shelters.  They get a lot of their animals from a high-kill shelter from Georgia, where otherwise they would get euthanized for one reason, which would be because of shelter becoming too full.